CHANGE THE WORLD                                                         
AGENCY: BBDO ARGENTINA is the largest platform for social change on the planet, with more than 400 million users. Over the years it has achieved great changes in the world, thanks to a single element: signatures. On the platform, people leave their signature for a cause and with it they help to make it happen. That is why we decided to make this campaign with the most valuable attribute we have: The signatures of our users. We used signatures of more than 10,000 users, which donated in the last year, as the artistic axis of the campaign. Creating with them the faces of great characters of history that have changed the world. Demonstrating that great changes in society no longer depend only on the most important people. Now together we can also change the world.

Argentinian Creative Circle Diente 2021:
01 Gold + 01 Bronze | CLIOS 2022: 01 Shortlist

Agency: BBDO Argentina - CCO: Joaquin Campins, Christian Rosli - Creative Directors: Tomas Wilhelm & Juan Pedro Ferretti - Copywriter: Mar Ichiyanagui - Art Director: Valen Grondona